It was a work of art.
A perfect glass of whiskey on the rocks.
The distiller’s name has evaded my memory. But the smooth taste of the libation has not.
I finished one glass, and then another. Then, I paid my bar tab and went back to my hotel room.
I haven’t touched alcohol since.
As I write this, it’s been more than three years since I tasted that whiskey. Technically, I could say I’ve been three years sober. But I struggle to use that word — sober — to describe myself.
For the way I parted with drinking doesn’t match the sobriety stigma. There was no killer hangover, no devastating hospital diagnosis, no trail of collateral damage to force my hand. I was able to coordinate my own exit.
In this case, it meant saying farewell to alcohol at The Happiest Place On Earth — Disney World. I’d traveled to Orlando for professional training right after New Year’s Day. And with lodging and transport taken care of, I decided to make Disney World my last drinking hurrah.
So, I spent an evening sampling a drink from each of the country pavilions at Epcot — beer in Germany, baijiu in China, a margarita in Mexico. A couple of nights later, I had those two glasses of whiskey at the hotel bar. Then, that was it.
One month without alcohol became two, then three. While I had said my break from alcohol would be temporary, I began to reconsider that stance.
I was having nightmares about returning to drinking. And the anxiety about falling off the wagon overshadowed any lingering desire for whiskey or beer. So, I made my split with alcohol official.
I wasn’t going back. But moving forward would prove tricky.
America and alcohol go hand in hand.
Our obsession with drinking dates to our nation’s origins. Many colonial settlers came from England and Scotland — two regions with a legacy of brewing and distilling. And while these settlers dumped tea into the Boston Harbor in protest of a tax, we’ve long paid surcharges for booze without much complaint.
Our relationship with alcohol has not always been healthy. There are tales of liquored-up outlaws going on rampages in the Old West. And the rise of the automobile has led to an epidemic of drunk-driving deaths.
But our only national temperance effort backfired spectacularly. While Prohibition was the law of the land in the early 1900s, bootlegged liquor operations and speakeasy bars flourished. Organized crime outfits benefitted from this boom, and the collective love of libations only deepened.
Humiliated, the government repealed Prohibition in 1933. It had become clear that alcohol, for all its problems, would remain entrenched in our society. Indeed, many of our cultural norms — from dating to celebrating the new year — continue to involve sharing a drink.
When I decided to abandon this legacy, I found myself on treacherous footing.
Social life became surprisingly complex. I would often end up in alcohol-laden settings, turning down drinks left and right. And as I did, I faced incredulous questions from those around me.
How could I just swear off drinking? And why was I doing this if there I was not facing a crisis?
I knew why these inquiries were headed my way. My actions were unconventional.
Family, friends, and acquaintances were all trying to be respectful of my decisions — all while saving face.
Even so, the questions upset me.
I was feeling better than I ever had. And yet, time and again, I found myself on the defensive for the choices I had made.
I started withdrawing from social life to give myself a break. And when I did find myself in mixed company, I started announcing my aversion to drinking upfront.
It was draining. Demoralizing even. Then, a global pandemic hit.
Suddenly, social gatherings weren’t happening. And neither were the uncomfortable questions.
This was a relief at first. Even as my anxiety was soaring, this was one area where I could find a bit of solace.
Yet, as the months dragged on, I started to yearn for social life again. And now, as we emerge from the pandemic tunnel, I’m ready to reengage.
I just wish I could do so without being put on trial for going dry.
Behind every lifestyle choice we make is a mission.
My mission for going dry was to be mentally present for each moment of my life.
I didn’t get obliterated all that often in my younger days. But those times that I did still gnaw at me.
Losing control of my thoughts and actions was distressing. And the potential implications were terrifying.
By purging alcohol from my life, I wouldn’t have to worry about ever driving drunk. I wouldn’t need to concern myself with the harmful words I’d later forget ever having said. I wouldn’t be filled with humiliation after making a fool of myself.
These are all positive outcomes — both for myself and those around me. And yet, all too often, I feel like a pariah for choosing this path.
It shouldn’t be this way.
After all, plenty of people don’t drink alcohol. Some avoid imbibing because of their faith or their demons. Others make an active choice to abstain.
No matter the cause of our decision, we deserve better than to be cast into the shadows. We desire a kinder fate than the stain of scorn. We demand the benefit of the doubt in its place.
Social acceptance need not hinge on filling our bodies with poison. Irresponsible behavior need not be boundlessly lionized. And the implications of inebriation need not be ignored.
Yes, drinking will continue to be an important part of our society, our economy, and our culture for generations to come. But there can — and should — be room at the table for temperance too.
I yearn for that possibility.
I long for the day when sobriety is not a loaded term. I pine for the moment when the intricacies of social life are no longer dominated by what’s in our glass.
We are not there — not yet. But with a little more empathy and open-mindedness, we can be someday.
So, the next time you hear someone calling themself sober, don’t assume they have problems. It could just be that they have solutions.